Meeting Minutes June 5, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President Wayne Parsons.  He opened the meeting by stating that 30 notices were sent out with information on how to join the meeting by Zoom.  There were three that joined by Zoom: Bob and Carol Sue Williams, and their daughter, Sherrie.

Old Business – President Parsons informed the meeting that all state paperwork had been updated with the state.  He stated that since the association agreed to let the Indian Creek Association of Erath County use our name with the Secretary of State, our associations official name was now “Indian Creek Association of Comanche County”. 

All the addresses were updated because they had not been updated since 2013 and still indicated Brownwood addresses.  No one had any other old business to discuss.

New Business – Faylene Isham Brown gave the financial report and as of May 31, 2022, the checking balance was $1,206.81 and the CD balance was $43,348.96.  Motion was made by David Luker and seconded by Gala York Samuels to approve report.  Motion passed.


Discussion was brought up about the Indian Creek Bridge construction.  It was mentioned that the state may pay for it and no time limit has been given for completion.  There is a possibility that the adjoining land owners may have to share in the cost of the construction.


Faylene stated that someone had called her in regards to planting trees at the cemetery.  No one objected to the planting of trees.


Discussion of the election of of officers and motion was made to keep same officers:

President – Wayne Parsons

Vice-President – LaVerne Bowman Dillashaw

Secretary – Mary Parsons

Treasurer – Faylene Isham Brown


There being no further business motion was made by LaVelle Bowman Parsons to adjourn and seconded by Harold Lee Dillashaw.  Motion passed.


Meeting was adjourned until June 4, 2023.