Meeting Minutes June 6, 2021

Meeting was called to order by President, Wayne Parsons. Invocation was given by Karen Wilkerson.


Directors present were: Wayne ParsonsFaylene BrownLaVerne Dillashaw; andGala SamuelsVenetia Scott arrived after the meeting had closed.


There were 22 present for the meeting.


The financial report was given by Faylene Brown. She reported that there was $1,435.76 in checking and $44,261.67 in the CD. It was discussed and was decided to use the interest when the CD matures to keep a checking balance of $2,000 to $3,000 of operating expenses. Motion was made by Karen Wilkerson and seconded by LaVelle Parsons to accept the report. Motion was passed by approval of all.


There was no old business to discussed as no in person meeting was conducted in 2020.


There was discussion concerning the grave of Charles Stewart Anderson. He was buried in 1938. LaVelle Parsons suggested that we locate a monument that does not cost much if no other means are available.


She suggested that we keep the current cemetery maintenance person for mowing and upkeep. His fee may be $350, Faylene Brown stated.


A history of the cemetery was presented.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was closed to meet again on the first Sunday in June, 2022.