Meeting Minutes June 5, 2016
The Director’s meeting began at 11:26 am and ended at 12:01 pm. Directors in attendance were Jimmy Pate, Venetia Scott, Don Samuels, and Faylene Brown. Bob Williams was absent.
The business meeting was called to order by Jimmy Pate, President, after the meal at about 12:30 pm. In attendance were Mrs. Dillashaw, Mrs. Parsons, Faylene Brown, Don Samuels, Gala Samuels, Jimmy Pate, Cyndi Pate, Venetia Scott, Jeff Smith, Lynn Perry, Beverly Herrin, Jason Pate, Niki Pate, Jalee Pate, Jaclyn Pate, and Jenna Pate. Jimmy Pate announced that there was no quorum but suggested that business should be conducted as it has the last few years when we did not have a quorum. A motion was made by Mrs. Dillashaw and seconded by Cyndi Pate to conduct the necessary business of the association even though there was no quorum. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.
Beverly Herrin read the minutes from the previous year. Mrs. Dillashaw made a motion to approve the minutes and was seconded by Cyndi Pate. Mrs. Dillashaw, Mrs. Parsons, and Mrs. Samuels complemented the Board on the organization of the minutes, financial and agenda saying they were well done.
Cyndi Pate, Treasurer, read the financial report. A motion was made by Venetia Scott to accept the report as read. It was seconded by LaVelle Parsons.
A discussion followed highlighting the need of amending the bylaws wording from needing a quorum to conduct business to having a simple majority vote at the meetings. It was concluded unanimously that an update to change the bylaws was needed and proceedings should begin to enact the change at once. Wayne Parsons, LaVelle Parsons, and Karen Wilkerson were names submitted to head the committee to address the task of updating the bylaws. Their appointment was unanimously accepted.
Faylene Brown made a motion for the association to charge a fee of $300.00 dollars for plots for anyone needing to purchase one. A discussion followed and a motion was made by Venetia Scott to set $300.00 as the fee charge per plot for anyone needing to purchase space in the cemetery. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Dillashaw. It passed unanimously.
Gala Samuels discussed the “I Give” charity account option for donations to the organization. A motion was made by Venetia Scott to explore this option and promote the option as a way for individuals to be able to support the Association in an easier manner. Mrs. Dillashaw seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Mr. Pate gave a condition of the cemetery report where he stated that the conditions were about the same but had a little less bluebonnets. A discussion on doing some dirt work was needed to be done around the tabernacle to allow for a circle drive to be created. This was needed to make access easier for services held at the cemetery. The general opinion was that this was a much needed improvement. Mrs. Parsons made a motion to do the dirt work needed to make these improvements. It was seconded by Venetia Scott and approved unanimously.
The discussion continued concerning the Old Church property (across from the cemetery). This property still belongs to the Association. It is the opinion that we need to use the property and it needs to be fenced off. Faylene Brown made a motion to check in to the cost of fencing the property and making improvements to accomodate our usage. Mrs Parsons seconded the motion.
A discussion on exploring the possibility of moving the date of the yearly meeting from the first Sunday to a Saturday to see if the attendance would improve. The need to find a new meeting place could occur with the change and using Board Church meeting hall as a place to hold the business meeting and the meal and then go to the Indian Creek Cemetery if the day is moved. If it is not possible, then we will leave the arrangements the same as always. Motion was made by Venetia Scott to explore this option and seconded by Mrs. Dillashaw and was unanimously approved.
A discussion on introducing a new(s) letter focusing on not only the present news, but sharing the stories of the past members with anyone interested. Gala Samuels was nominated as Historian and editor of the newsletter by Faylene Brown and seconded by Niki Pate. It was unanimously approved.
A motion was made by Mrs. Dillashaw and seconded by Mrs. Parsons to keep the same directors and proceed as last year. It was approved unanimously.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Don Samuels and seconded by Beverly Herrin. It passed unanimously. The meeting was dismissed at 1:25 pm.
Submitted Respectfully, Beverly Herrin