Members of the Indian Creek Cemetery Association met prior to the general meeting. Those attending were: Jimmy Pate; Gail York; Bob Williams; Jody Pate; Venetia Scott; Joe Bowman; and L. B. Bowman.
Jimmy Pate, President, brought the meeting to order.
The first item of business discussed was how to keep the weeds under control. Mr. Pate stated that it was a chore to keep them under control. He and his family had been trying to control them with alot of hard work. He stated that spraying might be the solution. Bob Williams made a motion that we continue to spray the cemetery to control the weeds, but try to miss the schrubs. Jody Pate seconded the motion and motion passed with approval by all in attendance.
The next item of discussion was that the roads in the cemetery need to be fixed and that we need an additional road behind the pavilion. L. B. Bowman made the motion to gravel the roads with Joe Bowman seconding. Motion passed with approval from all.
It was brought up that the gates of the cemetery had been bent and needed repair. L. B. Bowman made the motion to repair the gates and motion was seconded by Joe Bowman. Motion was passed with approval from all.
Jimmy Pate stated that the association owns a trailer that we do not need as it is not been used. He believed he could sell it for $500.00. Joe Bowman made a motion to sell the trailer and Bob Williams seconded the motion with all in approval. Motion passed.
It was brought up that if the association sprays to keep the weeds under control, we will not need the weed eaters that we have. L. B. Bowman made the motion to liquidate the weed eaters. Jody Pate seconded the motion. Motion passed with all aproval.
There is still a need to have the cemetery surveyed in the future. No action was taken on this matter.
A discussion of the proxy is was noted that a proxy is not legal unless all are notified 30 days prior to the meeting. Bob Williams made the motion to disallow proxy votes this year because there was no notification sent out 30 days prior to the meeting. Joe Bowman seconded the motion and motion passed with all approval.
The next discussion was to who could vote during the meeting. Bob Williams made the motion that anyone who has a relative buried at the Indian Creek Cemetery should be able to vote. Joe Bowman seconded the motion and motion was passed.
There are many unmarked graves and Jody Pate made a motion to purchase 30 cement crosses for $15.00 each to mark these graves. Bob Williams seconded and motion passed.
The Director’s meeting was adjourned and the General Meeting was opened by Jimmy Pate.
Minutes of the 2008 meeting were read by Venetia Scott. Minutes were approved by all.
The treasurer’s report was given by Gail York with a balance in Comanche National Bank, Comanche, checking account of $1,700.80, 2 CD accounts at Comanche National Bank with a balance of $5,049.34 and $40,497.77. Gail further stated that he had spent $180.00 for electricity for the well at the cemetery.
Mr. Pate stated, that since we did not have a quorum present, we could not discuss any business, only the reports presented.
Mr. Pate gave a report of the Director’s Meeting and there being no discussion, the meeting was adjourned.