Meeting Minutes June 5, 1983

Opening:  The annual meeting of the Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County Texas was opened by Aubrey Jones, President, at the Travelers Steak House in Brownwood (Early), Texas. Verbal appreciation was extended to L.B. and Margaret Bowman for the use of the facilities.




A.  Approval of Minutes:  Lois Boatman read the minutes and they were accepted as read. L.B. Bowman gave report on the status of the C.D.’s and Gale York reported on the operating account at Southern Savings and Loan. Financial reports were accepted as read.


B. Old Business:  None stated.


C.  New Business:  Motion was made and seconded for Brady York to have the cemetery sprayed for grass and weeds by Gore Bros. Inc.  Motion was made and seconded with nominations ceasing and elected by acclamation, officers for coming year are: Lloyd Coker, president; Paul Luker, vice-president; Lois Boatman, secretary.  Motion was made by LaVerne Dillashaw and seconded that the cemetery be extended by 60 feet (east side). Motion carried.


D.  Agenda for Next Meeting:  None stated.


Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned to meet the first Sunday in June, 1984.