First Meeting of Board of Directors November 5, 1981
The first meeting of the Board of Directors of Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County, Texas, was held at Comanche County Courthouse in Comanche, Texas, on the 5th day of November, 1981, at 3:00 o’clock p.m., pursuant to notice of such meeting duly and legally given personally to each member of the Board of Directors, fixing the time and place of the meeting.
The following directors were present at the meeting: L.B. Bowman, Aubrey Jones, Brady York, Bonnie Biggs, Rena Burdette, Gale York, Lloyd Coker. being all of the directors of the Association. L.B. Bowman was requested to act as Chairman in this first organizational meeting.
The Chairman then announced that nominations were in order for the office of president of the Board of Directors. There upon, L.B. Bowman was duly nominated and motion was made and seconded and unanimously carried that further nominations cease and that L.B. Bowman be elected president by acclamation. L.B. Bowman was then declared to be the duly elected president of Indian Creek Cemetery Association Board of Directors. The Chair then declared that nominations were in order for the office of vice-president. Aubrey Jones was duly nominated for the office of vice-president. Motion was made, seconded and upon vote unanimously carried that further nominations cease and that the said Aubrey Jones be elected vice-president by acclamation. The Chair then declared the said Aubrey Jones to be duly elected vice-president of Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County Board of Directors.
Motion was then made that the offices of secretary and treasurer be combined into one office, which motion was duly seconded and upon being put to a vote unanimously carried. The Chair then declared that the offices of secretary and treasurer of the Association were so combined in the one office of secretary-treasurer. Gale York was then nominated for the office of secretary-treasurer. Motion was then made, seconded and upon vote was unanimously carried that further nominations cease and that Gale York be elected by acclamation. The Chair then declared Gale York the duly elected secretary-treasurer.
The next order of business was the drafting and adopting of Bylaws for the regulations of affairs on Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County. After discussion, the following Bylaws were read and studied section by section and upon motion duly made and seconded said Bylaws were unanimously adopted as the Bylaws of the Association which said Bylaws are as follows:
The president of the Association shall preside at all members’ and directors’ meetings. He may call special meetings of the members or directors and direct the secretary to give written notice of any special members’ meetings fifteen days in advance by mail and of any special directors’ meetings three days in advance by mail. The president shall perform all other duties that usually pertain to the office or which may be delegated to him by the Board of Directors.
The vice-president shall, in case of the absence or disability of the president, perform the duties of the president.
The secretary-treasurer shall keep the records and books of account of the Association and keep minutes of all members’ and directors’ meetings. He shall have custody of all the moneys and securities of the Association and keep regular books on the finances. All moneys of the Association shall be deposited by him in such depository or depositories as shall be selected by the Board of Directors. He shall have authority to sign checks of the Association and shall perform all other duties that are delegated to him by the Board of Directors.
Any person who is an adult having relatives buried in Indian Creek Cemetery of Comanche County shall be a member of Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County. The secretary of the Association shall compile a list of members names and addresses and have same available for notification purposes.
There shall be an annual meeting of the members of Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County held each year on the first Sunday in June . The secretary shall mail or cause to be mailed to each person known to be a member of the Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County a notice at least fifteen days in advance of such meeting. The president shall preside at the business meeting held by the members and the secretary shall act as secretary thereof. At the annual meeting held in the year 1982 , directors of the Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County shall be elected for a term of one year and election shall be had by members to fill the offices of the seven directors of the Association each year thereafter. An attendance of twenty – five in number of the members of the Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County shall be necessary for there to be a quorum for the transaction of business of the Association at the annual meeting.
After the annual members meeting each year of the Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County, the directors shall hold a business meeting and take up such matters as may be in order and report of the financial condition and any other pertinent matters shall be made by the president and secretary-treasurer.
The Board of Directors of Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County provide “The purpose or purposes for which the association is organized is to provide perpetual care and to preserve and beautify the grounds of Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County, Texas; and to this end and purpose to accept contributions and donations; and to invest in Federal and State Municipal securities and in savings accounts of saving associations or banks, such funds so donated and contributed and to expend the income there from for the purposes stated. Should funds be contributed with the request that they be directly expended on said cemetery without being confined to the income there from in such expenditure, then any such funds may be so used by the corporation”. Funds contributed with the stipulation that they be directly expended shall be placed in the regular operating fund and be so expended. The Board of Directors shall in all things endeavor to interest members in contributing work as well as money to the upkeep of Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County.
(Not stated)
Should Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County ever have occasion to sell, lease or convey any real estate owned by the Association such action shall not be taken unless authorized by the Board of Directors at a regular meeting and any such lease, conveyance, mortgage or bill of sale of real or personal property shall not be valid unless signed by the president or vice-president and attested by the secretary of the Association.
The Association shall not have a seal.
The next matter of business to come before the meeting related to the application on behalf of the Indian Creek Cemetery Association of Comanche County of exemption from Federal Income Tax and the exemption or classification of the Association as being one to which gifts and donations can be made and credit and exemption given therefore under the Federal Income Tax Laws, Federal Estate Tax Laws and Gift Tax Laws. Motion was duly made, seconded and unanimously carried that _____________________________________ take the necessary action to obtain these exemptions under the Federal Tax Laws.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Above minutes approved:
L.B. BOWMAN, President
GALE YORK, Secretary
BRADY YORK, Director