Meeting Minutes June 2015

The Directors meeting adjourned at 11:45 am and the regular business was called to order at 12:35 pm. It was called to order by President, Mr. Jimmy Pate. There were 19 in attendance. Attending was Jody and Cindy Pate, Don and Gayla Samuels, J. Coker and wife, (son) Pate and wife, Jason Pate and wife and three children, GeorgeAnn Salter, Steve Clemons, LaVelle Parsons, Faylene Brown, Venetia Scott, Jeff Smith and Beverly Herrin. Secretary, Beverly Herrin, reported a quorum was present and business could be transacted. The minutes were read by Beverly Herrin. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Mrs. Parsons and seconded by Don Samuels. The motion was carried unanimous vote.


The Treasurer’s report was submitted by treasurer, Cyndi Pate. The report was read in to the minutes and a motion was made by Venetia Scott to accept the minutes as read. It was seconded by Mrs. LaVelle Parsons and carried unanimously.


The cemetery report was made by Mr. Pate. He reported there were three burials during the year. He reported the blubonnets were beautiful and the spraying would start next week inside the cemetery to curb the stickers that are in abundance due to the heavy rains. A hand pump would be used (roundup) would be used to spray. A gallon will do almost the entire cemetery. No spraying will be done in the common ground area. Spraying will be done every six weeks this year.


There was no old business to conduct.


New business began with a discussion on the need to amend the bylaws. A motion was made to establish a committee to see to these changes by Faylene Brown and seconded by Venetia Scott. The committee appointees were Wayne Parsons, LaVelle Parsons, Karen (?)and Don Samuels. The appointments were approved by acclamation.


Faylene Brown made a motion to establish a standard fee of $300.00 for non-relatives to be buried in the cemetery. Venetia Scott seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.


Gayla Samuels was asked to check on the “I Give Charity” program for our association and would report back to the group later date.




A motion was made to leave the Officers and Directors for the 2015-2016 term the same as was seated for the previous year. The motion was seconded by LaVerne Dillashaw. The motion carried unanimously.


A motion was made by Venetia Scott to set the date for our next meeting to be the first Sunday of June at the Comanche Community Center as traditionally observed with the Director’s Meeting beginning at 11:00 am and a covered dish fellowship lunch following. The business session of the association would begin after the meal. Mrs. Faylene Brown seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned.


Submitted Respectfully, Beverly Herrin