One of the best homecomings since its organiztion 7 years ago was held May 8th. The was called to order by President Tom Luker. A cordial welcome was given to all. Then the group joined together to sing, “An Uncloudy Day” with Mrs. S. C.Edmundson at the piano and Mervin Bowman leading. A prayer was then given by J. A. Jones.
Everyone present was given a chance to talk. Everyone talking and telling how they have been blessed in days gone by from attending services at the church. The older ones admonishing the younger not to forget to carry on.
An autbiography of J. M. McGuire was read which dated back to 1850, taken from the Vanguard in 1913 was a very interesting article to everyone. There were only five families living in the community when J. M. McGuire moved to Comanche.
After a business meeting was held, a memorial service was held for those that had passed on the past year..
The morning program was closed with a prayer by N. F. Williams.
The group then gathered under the Tabernacle and after the thanks by Lewis Redwine, everyone enjoyed good food.
The afternoon was spent in visiting and those wishing to sing returned to the church for congregational singing.
Approximately 125 attended with the following being from out of town: Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Luker, Victoria; Mr. and Mr.s John T. Steele, Levelland; Florence Bowman, Hamilton; Mrs. Wayne Parsons, Truett Parsons, and Gary Parsons, all from Georgetown; Mrs. Harold L. Dillashaw, Harold Lee Dillashaw, and Bruce Dillashaw, San Antonio; H. L. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Buster Odell, Lubbock; Mr. and Mrs. Ruocco, Gustine; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bowman and Teresa, Mrs. Myrtle Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Beutel Luker, Brownwood.
Also, Hilton Stewart, Elton Stewart, Ella Hart, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Brownfield and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn H. Russell and Timmie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowman and daughter, Odessa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steele and daughter of Houston; Mrs. E. F. Nuttall, Mrs. Oma Russell, Littlefield; Mr. and Mrs. Macon Haynie, Mrs. Wayne Milton, Ernest Stewart, Mrs. Myrtle Cozart, and Horton Williams, all of California; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ladd, Dallas; Donna Garrett, Midland; Mrs. Edna D. Love, Wendell Love, Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. Dub Aknew of California; Hart W. Pinkard, Sweetwater; Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Redwine, Brady; Mrs. Fred Carter and Children, Ft. Worth; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Drenman, Grand Prarie; Mr. and Mrs. Edmundson, Coleman; Miss Gala York, Denton; Mrs. Katherine Bozarth, Abilene; Atho Isham, Blanket.